Friday, May 13, 2011


"I got Love for my Brother,
But we can never go nowhere
unless we share with each other,
We gotta make changes,
Learn to see me as a Brother,
Instead of two distant Stranger's."

Life has to be a constant struggle. If you can't see life's changes, your living Blind.

I may not be in my mid twenties, But I am a mother, who looks out for a Child. My little guy is the one I look after, and before.

I am a married woman who wishes at times that I wasn't. Life may suck, but I would never say Fuck my life. I am thankful that God put me here for more than 20 years. Most important of all is that God gave me the strength to be a strong Mother.

I am a friend, who sees your wrongs and your rights. A friend you can come talk to about any thing, and You will always know that I am an unopened book. No one will ever find out what we have talked about unless you give me the O.K to speak.

I am a sister, who speaks of you when asked, who has carried anger inside me for you. Who will let my Gard down for you. I will throw away my life just to make you Happy.

I am a auntie, who has carried with four extra kids in one day, for no reason. I have took you under my wing, so that no one would hurt any of you. I am the one you call Auntie, I am also the one you have hit out of anger, with your words, your bad behavior, and I was there when No one but me, was there to feed you a bottle, hearing four other's cry. I have put my Son last to take good care of you, and that is no more

I am a daughter, who seems to be just a side of distractions, I am here for you only when YOU need me. I am here when you need to take out your anger. I am here for when you get home your house is spotless, and your dinner is cooked.

I have decided to CHANGE.
Every time I talk it goes in one ear, and come out of thee other. I have a voice, that no one but my enemies have heard. I have had the short string for many years, now I want it my way.

I have been called a Bitch, by them who have said they Love me, I have been called a back stabber, again by them who have said they Love me. Do I have to show them what a real Back stabbing Bitch looks like?

I have been here for all these people who have a special spot in my heart, I just cant stand it any more.

All I ask for is to be alone. In my own room, with my own son, with every thing MY own.
I just need to be listened to.

Better yet, I HAVE BEEN HERE....NO MORE!!!