Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Break Down...

Some of you may know that I have a almost 2 year old child, he's my world, when he hurts I hurt, and go Bananas...

Yesterday mid-afternoon, we were driving to put gas, and some how he just untied him self. All I heard was him crying, I looked back.....and he wasn''t in his seat... Once I got to the gas station, I seen him on the car floor. I sat him down, and started to pump... He told me Aaawwoooiii, and when I turned to look at my poor baby, his right side of his head was gushing out with blood. =( I was a wreck...I know that this I will never forget.... My Little guy is a Fighter....he's doing so much better =)

Today Has been crazy, I woke up at around 2:30 am, and couldn't go back to sleep...I have been over exhausted...I'm running on empty right now... But Hey as long as Anthony keeps me on my feet, I will run =)