Tuesday, March 15, 2011


This is my Oldest Nephew Aaron. What can I say about this little guy...no really what can I say lol... Aaron is about to turn 7, I can't say I don't love this dude, because I would be lying.. He slept with me all the time when he was a baby, I took care of him every day, I even took care of him during my summer breaks. I am proud to be his Tia.. =] There are times when he gets over the TOP annoying, but what kid doesn't? 

This Right here is Amari, she's the lucky one out of all girls I know. She's the most spoiled little girl I know. She's the queen, and no one yet has taken her crown, and I see it far from happening. She's going to turn 4 in July.....Oh yeah by the way I'm her MADRINA...yay me lol. She's my heart...I love her =]

Is Every one ready to meet my proud and joy Anthony...? As you just read his name is Anthony, not Antonio, but ANTHONY...people seem to switch up the name just because they speak Spanish...He's about to turn 2, Wow years are just flying by... He's a handful, trust me you think you have a full hand of M&M's, well he's falling over.. lol. He's the love of my life he's who completes me. Anthony is the KING of my heart, and what ever else he wants to do... I'm his PUPPET..he just pulls the strings and I'm there. I <3 him... 

Your welcome to meet Jacob, he's turning 1 In a month. Well he's a very calm baby, so I thought till the day He started crying right before we sat down to eat... He's adorable. In my head I think He loves me, but you never know... I like kissing him till he cries, and starts punching me... [By the way this Is Aaron's Little brother]
This is Aithen, He's turning 1 In July. He's such a cutie, He smiles, and laughs so cute. His laugh is so contagious, I'm warning you =] Aithen does so many cute things a baby his age won't do. I'm not trying to brag about my nephew, but if you were to see him, you would think the same thing... He recently had a make-over...he got his first hair cut...and he looks sexy cute lol...