Sunday, April 3, 2011

Nights Out Pt. 2

Oh My God, I'm sick, but that didn't stop me from having fun last night....OK I had to end the night around 12.30 I couldn't stand the loudness. [Is that even a word?] I guess life is full of germs, because I wasn't feeling so great when We got there. I like dancing, singing, and goofing off...and All of that I call a GOOD TIME. My 2nd Wedding Anniversary was March 31st, so My Hubby, my sister and my Brother-In-Law decided to go dancing. I had so much fun, even if my head was killing me, and oh yeah I'm under age...NO DRINKS FOR THE BRIDE lol...I had to start off the Night with a Monster...But my sister jacked me =]


Oh yeah and by the way, we were in the RED ROOM, it was so much fun, The group that was playing was dedicating songs to a bunch of people. The singer sent me "Saludos", because he said I was the first girl who knows all the "Corridos" he was singing...